Concerning Me

I was born in Oklahoma on June 1st, 1984. I grew up as the oldest of three. My dad had been through several changes in occupation throughout my life, while my mom stayed in the insurance line of work. My father had been a beekeeper, had pigeons, bought, sold and traded cars, and then moved to massage therapy. He now is working in the self help field. If you don't believe me go to his YouTube page by typing in HealingMagic. I, however lived through it all to become who I am now. I was an imaginative boy who was never short on friends. I had a clubhouse with playboys in them, and pretended I was Indiana Jones. Because the fictional character was so iconic to me, I decided that I wanted to be an Archeologist myself. The truth is, I knew that it would be nothing like in the movies, but I had a thirst for knowledge when it came to history. It was after high school that I started taking some computer classes at OSU-OKC. I decided to take a break from college to follow my real passion, acting. I have always been a movie lover. After dropping college, dad started making me pay rent. I soon realized that because of the rent, I wouldn't be able to put back the money I wanted to save for my head shots and classes for acting. So, I moved out. It wasn't but a year after that I met the girl I thought was going to marry. She and I never did work out, but we did have a son together named Liam. I spent many years being a single father to my son, until I met Kristin. Kristin had two, beautiful twin daughters named Ava & Braelyn that won my heart over. They became my daughters in time. Suddenly, I was the father of three wonderful kids. I asked Kristin to marry me on our trip to the Bahamas in August 2014. We have a lovely family together and they all mean the world to me.I spend most of my time working, reading, and enjoying movies. I travel to see the world, and I spend time writing and raising my kids. I love meeting new people and having thought provoking conversations. For me, life wouldn't be complete without my son, family, friends, movies, music, travel, nature, and a good cup of tea.

Stress Relief Site: (under construction)

Acting Resume
The Lost Son (Extra)
Wisteria: The Story of Albert Fish (Extra)
Four Sheets to the Wind (Extra)
Steve Scott's Outdoor Guide (Wilson)
Riverwind Casino (Extra)
Riverwind Casino (Extra)
Music Videos
Cross Country - "Just One Dream" (Extra)