La Isla del Encanto - Puerto Rico 2008

Anticipation hung in the air like a bad cologne as we shuffled through the security line, bleary-eyed and barely awake. Seriously, we were running on fumes—less sleep than a college student during finals week. The night before, we had strutted into Starbucks, caffeine-fueled and boasting about our epic adventure. There we were: my dad, and my two friends, Adam and Frank, practically vibrating with excitement like kids after a sugar rush. To prep for our adventure, we’d stocked up on energy drinks for the drive from Oklahoma to Dallas, convinced we’d need them to survive the flight. So, naturally, while standing in line, we cracked open a couple of those bad boys—Redline energy drinks, no less. Nothing says "smart travel decision" like guzzling caffeine on an empty stomach. By the time we boarded the plane, we were practically doing interpretive dances in our seats, full of energy with no outlet. As we taxied down th...